Christine Rose Curry, Gary Cianco, Sara-Lou Klein

July 5, 2019 through July 21, 2019

Christine Rose Curry: Ruination
Gary Ciancio: 
Artifactual Assemblages
Sara-Lou Klein: 
Keep On Keeping On

Opening Reception: Friday, July 5th, 2019. 6PM – 10PM

Christine Rose Curry Urban Landscape with Crows, 18”x20”, acrylic on canvas, 2019
Ruination: hazardous behaviors, and toxic materials, that simplify the human appetite for destruction
Gary Ciancio
/ˌärdəˈfak(t)SH(əw)əl/. Adjective. Denoting or relating to an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.
/əˈsemblij/. Noun. A collection or gathering of things; a work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects.
Sara-Lou Klein “Keep On Keeping On”, Detail, Mixed media, 16″ x 20″, 2019
In my art I transform past or current experiences into something light and whimsical. From birds & owls to humans, whimsical scenarios are created to lift the heart. In this body of work, I use the media of colored pencils, acrylic paint, and collage material on wood panels to explore these imaginary worlds

Upcoming Exhibitions at Edge:
July 26 – August 11, 2019 Kay Galvan, Jon Kitner
August 16 – September 1, 2019 Ken Peterson, John Horner, Sarah Clark
September 6 – September 22, 2019 Wynne Reynolds, Abby Andre

Edge has openings for Full and Associate Members
Interview now. Please click here for more information.

See Edge’s Fence Art Installation on the 40 West ArtLine. Click Here
40 West Arts District Member