Alane Holsteen
Nolan Tredway
Heather Hauptman

March 29 through April 14, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, March 29, 6-9 PM

Alane Holsteen   Silent Spring

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.

Nolan Tredway   Egregore Ecologies

Egregore Ecologies is an interactive piece about connecting hearts to affect physical change in one’s environment. In contrast to Richard Dawkins’ and William S. Burroughs’ pathological descriptions of communication as viruses, I want to reframe our exchanges as nutrients metabolized in a complex system. The piece asks you to include your own heart in the process, closing the circuit and enacting the change in another. The change demands participation and choice, making the resulting art a reflection of dialogue, not passive observation.

Heather Hauptman   Fine Lines and Linens

The mindless task of washing is done. Her hands double the clean white pillow cases, before putting them away. In this quiet space between tasks something flickers on in her. Taking a deep breath in, she lets a smile creep across her teeth.  As she arches one brow, and whispers to herself.  Now, it’s my turn.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Apr 19 – May 5, 2024
Wynne Reynolds
Jason McKinsey

May 10 – May 26, 2024
Gayla Lemke
Katie Hoffman

Apply for Membership:

Edge Gallery currently has one associate membership available and is accepting wait list applications for Full and Satellite memberships. For more than 35 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery,  focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information.

Check out Daria Art Magazine for Incisive Reviews and Extensive Calendar Listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions.  Click here.

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