Karin Kempe

The process of painting uncovers the landscape of my mind, a landscape in constant flux, so I think of these paintings as  “mindscapes.” I hope to express energies in balance, the mood language of color and the sense of what we cannot see or speak. As each new painting is uncovered from an empty open field of white, I love the glowing space created through the vibration of warm and cool colors, mysterious marks and organic cloudlike forms. Destroying and restoring, wiping away and repainting, I am surprised, even uncertain and blind as the painting begins to direct itself; I listen for its voice.  Trusting the place before thought allows chance to be a more active and challenging partner. Recent paintings evoke aspects of the natural world as we experience it  intimately and without filters. As a canvas becomes complete, I often paint and finish the edges so that it can function as an unframed window.

To make art again is a gift, both play and meditation for me. I hope these paintings give you too the renewal, mystery and joy they have given to me.



A Contemporary Art Gallery