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Katherine Johnson
Sara-Lou Klein
John Horner
Eric Havelock-Bailie

October 25-November 10, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, October 25, 6-9 PM
Katherine Johnson.    Free Falling
“Coming Apart Together”, 30″H x 24″W, Acrylic on canvas,

At this time of grief and turmoil, acceptance is my guide in opening to free-falling in my work.  I go wherever the process takes me, adding and subtracting, sometimes scrubbing off or following the direction of mistakes.  And moving through what doesn’t work can be an act of compassion.   I keep on until I sense that it may be a place to stop.  Whatever happens is a gift.

Sara-Lou Klein     small
“Sunrise” 2” x 1.5”, colored pencils & graphite on up-cycled wood.

Sara-Lou Klein used her last name as a jumping off point to create this small body of artwork (Klein means small in German). The common thread amongst them is that they were made mostly from salvaged pieces of wood from her father’s woodworking workshop. The media of colored pencils, acrylic paint, watercolor, ink, and collage material were used to experiment with a variety of whimsical images.

She is inviting the community to bring a box of tampons, pads, mini-pads, or other personal hygiene products, to the gallery, in exchange for a die-cut vinyl sticker (featuring her art). The collected items will be donated to The Action Center of Jefferson County – who assists those facing hardship and homelessness.

John Horner   New Tangents: Explorations of Bas relief and its Implications

The Idea of bas relief had long since been of interest to myself, inspired by the bas reliefs in the Louve and the British museum bas relief panels of Assyrian and Egyptian art  and strangely enough German and French expressionism. As a painter and print maker it is for me a small step from relief printing to bas relief, so this idea was never far in the background of the artist thinking, in this experimental series I am  directly is carving  into commercial  bass wood veneered panels, the  idea being to explore the possibilities of this technique, as bas relief and by extension as relief print and painting on the panels after that, this  series and can be seen in many ways as continuation of my previous exploration of the of the fauna of Colorado as seen in earlier series though in different mediums.

Eric Havelock-Bailie     Goodbye, Hello

By juxtaposing two bodies of work, one completed and one emerging, I’m hoping to describe visually the transition from one world to another, going from 15 years off the grid to a place I only knew vaguely which is now my home. A real city. Nothing more and hopefully nothing less. And the title is a play on a well-known song (to be continued)…

Upcoming Exhibitions

Nov 15 – Dec 1
Candace Shepard
Kay Galvan

Dec 6 – Dec 22
Cool Yule — Edge Members Group Show

Apply for Membership:

Our Full, Associate and Satellite memberships are full at this time. If artists would like to be notified when new positions are open, email Mark Brasuell our New Member Coordinator, (please click here). For more than 35 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery, focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information on our membership levels.

Check out Daria Art Magazine for incisive reviews and extensive calendar listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions. Click here!

Please Scroll down to see our previous Exhibitions.




Stephen Shugart

Travis Vermilye in collaboration with Katie Caron

October 4-20, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, October 4, 6-9 PM
Stephen Shugart     Time and Memory
Sculpture is constructed of Birch square dowel rods, octagonal porch lamp cover mounted on its side painted white inside within a rectangular constructions of the rods, RGB LED light bulb, hardware. Light bulb appears hovering in space inside the
“Reliquary for an Endangered Planet”

In this series of abstract, geometric sculptures, Stephen Shugart reflects on the nature of and passage of time, from its theoretical and philosophical concepts to its intimate human counterpart, memory, whether actual or imagined, collective or individual.  Shugart continues to explore the “intermateriality” of the materials he uses to create his structures–investigating the interaction and relationship, or fusion between different materials as an artwork is created, discovering the way various materials such as common or exotic woods, metal fasteners, springs, fabric, wire, found objects and light come together to create meaning, texture and aesthetic form.

Travis Vermilye and Katie Caron: Collections
Artwork inspire by tangles of plant life and objects washed ashore along the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Donegal, Ireland
“Collection 009”

Inspired by the tangles of plant life and objects washed ashore along the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Donegal, Ireland, “Collections” explores the beauty found in unexpected places and the lasting imprint we leave on the world around us. Through a series of digitally crafted compositions, digital animations, and 3D printed sculptures, this exhibition invites viewers to contemplate the intricate beauty of coastal ecosystems and the unintended consequences of our presence.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Oct 25 – Nov 10
Katherine Johnson
John Horner
Sara-Lou Klein
Eric Havelock-Bailie

Nov 15 – Dec 1
Candace Shepard
Kay Galvan

Apply for Membership:

Edge Gallery currently has openings for 1 Full member and 1 Alumni Satellite member. Our Associate and Satellite memberships are full at this time. If artists would like to be notified when new positions are open, email Mark Brasuell our New Member Coordinator, (please click here). For more than 35 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery, focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information

Check out Daria Art Magazine for incisive reviews and extensive calendar listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions. Click here!

Please Scroll down to see our previous Exhibitions.

Faith Williams Dyrsten
Mark Brasuell

September 13 – 29, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, September 13, 6-9 PM

Special Event: Seed Giveaway! Sunday, September 22nd, 3 – 4:30PM

Faith Williams   Goodbye, Grass!

Inspired by the process of removing her frontyard grass using the “cardboard composting” method, Faith Williams Dyrsten shares her mixed-media illustrations as observations on the phases of new growth, ongoing decay, and insect life. Her new work considers what can happen when we create more pollinator-friendly spaces in place of traditional turf.

“Cardboard Series 3, Golden Columbine”

Inspired by the process of removing her fronty ard grass using the “cardboard composting” method, Faith Williams Dyrsten shares her mixed-media illustrations as observations on the phases of new growth, ongoing decay, and insect life. Her new work considers what can happen when we create more pollinator-friendly spaces in place of traditional turf.

Special Event: Seed Giveaway!
Date: Sunday, September 22
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
in partnership with Wild Ones, Jeffco Chapter

Join us for a FREE giveaway* of native seeds! Learn more about how to care for these Colorado plants and connect to neighbors who are striving to make a difference one plant at a time. *while supplies last*

“Native plants help protect and restore biodiversity, improve air and water quality and provide wildlife with quality food and shelter. Our vision is native plants and natural landscapes in every community.” – Wild Ones  

Link to more info:“>

Mark Brasuell    Markieren Markieren (Mark Making Marks)
“Lernen zu malen (Learn to Paint)”

Part of the Traumwelt (Dreamworld) series, Mark Brasuell’s new paintings explore the unknown and the subconscious. The theory is abstraction comes from somewhere. Some people think it could come from observation of objects, but the goal here is to tap into the unconscious and create things that either we have never seen before or that have been stored in memory. The bold black-and-white pieces are accentuated with pops of color, linear expressions, and calligraphic “words”. Using asemic language has always been a part of Brasuell’s work, and this exhibition expands on that idea in bold and complex forms. Don’t miss out on this important fall exhibition sure to be one of the highlights of the year.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Oct 4 – Oct 20, 2024
Travis Vermilye
Stephen Shugart

Oct 25 – Nov 10
Katherine Johnson
John Horner
Sara-Lou Klein
Eric Havelock-Bailie

Apply for Membership:

Edge Gallery currently has openings for 1 Full member. Our Associate and Satellite memberships are filled. If artists would like to be notified when new positions are open, email Katie Hoffman, our New Member Coordinator, (please click here). For more than 35 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery, focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information.

Check out Daria Art Magazine for incisive reviews and extensive calendar listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions. Click here.

Please Scroll down to see our previous Exhibitions.

Susan Hazaleus (with guest artists Judy Horowitz and Raven Rohrig)
Randy Cummings
Phil Rader

August 23 – Septenber 8, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, August 23, 6-9 PM
Susan Hazaleus (with guest artists Judy Horowitz and Raven Rohrig)

Although our art uses different mediums and styles we believe that our artworks can trigger epiphanies – a moment of sudden revelation or insight.

Randy Cummings

This new series of paintings by Randy Cummings takes inspiration from the children’s book , “The World Is Round” written by Gertrude Stein in 1939. The prose has all the subtlety and obliqueness of a child’s  non-linear telling of a story. The story of  Rose and her cousin Willie is a non-goal-oriented experience of art and literature. Presented as an adventure of the mind and heart.

Phil Rader    THINK!

print of graphic of brain and it's folds.
“Brain Washing #1,” 12” x 12” print on fabric

My art is improvisational with nothing pre-planned. However, it, like life, involves thinking and making decisions along the way, balanced by the principles of unity, which will determine the outcome. The visual image created exposes both to the viewer and myself a better understanding of who I am at the moment of creation.

Using an experimental process promotes growth as an artist due to the non-repetition of compositions – you are learning something new, not just doing the already known. Hopefully, I elicit an emotional response or curiosity that will entice the viewer to take a closer look and attain a better understanding of what is going on. By doing this, you will grow to appreciate this style of art more.

I hope you enjoy my art and that it brightens your day and makes you THINK!

Upcoming Exhibitions

Sept 13 – Sept 29, 2024
Faith Williams Dyrsten
Mark Brasuell

Oct 4 – Oct 20, 2024
Travis Vermilye
Stephen Shugart

Apply for Membership:

Edge Gallery currently has  openings for 1 Full member. Our Associate and Satellite memberships are filled. If artists would like to be notified when new positions are open, email Katie Hoffman, our New Member Coordinator, (please click here). For more than 35 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery,  focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information.

Check out Daria Art Magazine for incisive reviews and extensive calendar listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions.  Click here.

Please Scroll down to see our previous Exhibitions.

On Edge 2024
Annual Juried Exhibition: Juried by Jim Robischon

August 2 – 18, 2024
Opening Reception August 2 from 6 PM to 9 PM

ON EDGE is an annual juried exhibition of contemporary work by artists residing in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region who are pushing the boundaries of material and concept. EDGE Gallery has exhibited groundbreaking contemporary art for more than 30 years and has been instrumental in presenting important experimental work in our region.

We’re honored to have Jim Robischon as our juror for this year. Jim Robischon is nearing five decades of continuous operation as a professional gallerist in Denver, receiving numerous accolades and reviews. He began representing local artists, mixed with regional people such as Luis Jimenez Jr. and Jesus Bautista Moroles from New Mexico. As his gallery grew and expanded, he began showing sculptural installations and conceptual and political art, as was an emerging trend. The scope of his representation grew nationally, giving him connections and recognition across the US.

This exhibition features work from the following Rocky Mountain region artists:

Vince AlfonsoLeslie HensleeDavid Stallings
Robert AndersonEsra KellermannsElizabeth Suriani
Carol BivinsMark KregerStefka Trusz
Mia CarpenterJulia MartinStarr Tucker-Ortega
Richard ChamberlainMegan MorganTim Ulrich
David ChatfieldMarni MyersJames Vogel
Julie ChenJesse NeumannGary Voss
Rachael DelaneyKathleen ReillyChris Warot
Laura DeRosaT.H. ReynoldsDenise Weaver Ross
Tatiana GiamettiRaven RohrigJerry Wingren
Ilan GutinThomas ShepherdKaren Yust
DJ HamiltonCarrie ShiffrinMark Zirinsky

Funded in part by:

Upcoming Exhibitions

Aug 23 – Sept 8, 2024
Susan Hazaleus Randy Cummings
Phil Rader

Sept 13 – Sept 29, 2024
Faith Williams Dyrsten
Mark Brasuell

Apply for Membership:

Edge Gallery currently has  openings for 1 Full member. Our Associate and Satellite memberships are filled. If artists would like to be notified when new positions are open, email Katie Hoffman, our New Member Coordinator, (please click here). For more than 30 years, Edge Gallery has been an important arts institution in the Denver metro area. We are a friendly, engaged, supportive artist run co-op gallery,  focused on cutting edge contemporary art. Commit to your art practice & show your work! Apply for an interview and supercharge your art career. Please click here for more information.

Check out Daria Art Magazine for incisive reviews and extensive calendar listings of Front Range Art Exhibitions.  Click here.

Please Scroll down to see our previous Exhibitions.