All posts by admin

Edge@Colfax Member’s Show – November 3, 2017


Check out all the art and cultural opportunities in our new Lakewood home on historic west Colfax:

West 40 Arts District

Edge recommends the website One Good Eye for reviews and listings of art exhibitions around Denver. Check it out!

EDGE Gallery has 5 openings for new, full member artists.  As one of Denver’s preeminent alternative galleries, we are looking for serious experimental and contemporary artists interested in pushing the boundaries of their medium and/or subject matter with a coherent body of work.

If you are interested in applying, please see our Apply Now -Now Interviewing New Members page (also located on the top navigation bar above).

Please scroll down to see our past shows.

New Gallery Space: 7001 W. Colfax, Lakewood

Edge Gallery

in the heart of the 40 West Art’s District

Edge on the Edge Move-in Pop Up Show
One Night Only
First Friday October 6, 2017

Come preview and celebrate our new space!

Mark your calendars:

Grand Opening: First Friday, November 3 2017  6-10 PM

Edge recommends the website, One Good Eye, for reviews and listings of art exhibitions around Denver. Check it out!

If you are interested in applying to our Gallery as a full member artist, please contact  Mala Setaram-Wolfe

Please scroll down to see our past shows.

Edge Continues Search for a New Gallery Space

Edge is looking for a new, affordable gallery space–$1.00 sf, 1200-1500 sq ft. Prefer 40 West Arts District Locations, near Pirate and Next.  Suggestions and leads are welcome from friends and patrons of Edge and supporters of alternative arts.

Edge Forced Out of Prism by Burdensome City of Denver Construction Regulations

(Aug 7, 2017) Well, the city of Denver did it again. First, we were priced out of our 25+ years on Navajo Street because of gentrification, and now we have been asked to move by the owners of Prism Workspaces–not that they don’t want us, but because the city’s absurd requirements have overburdened them and us. We can’t thank Prism enough for the support they have given us, we will miss the connection we’ve had with them.

We are looking for a space in Lakewood’s 40West Art District hopefully near Pirate, and Next. Lakewood wants alternative art, stay tuned!

Edge recommends the website, One GoodEye, for reviews and listings of art exhibitions around Denver. Check it out!

If you are interested in applying to our Gallery as a full member artist, please contact  Mala Setaram-Wolfe and apply at

Please scroll down to see our past shows.