Membership Information

Practical Information:

Artists from all art disciplines are welcome to apply, from installations to paintings to performance. We are looking for active, dedicated artists with developed bodies of work pushing the boundaries of materials and subject matter. Joining a co-op gallery is one of the best ways to increase opportunities to show artwork and to improve your work through supportive artist peers, networking and collaboration in running the gallery. Full and Associate members must live within a 50 mile radius of EDGE Gallery.

EDGE Gallery is located at 6501 W. Colfax in the 40West Art Hub.

Full Membership: $75/month

  • One solo show per year in half of the gallery space.
  • Publicity for your show in local media and social media.
  • Opportunity to participate in group shows.

Gallery Sitting Requirements: Must cover 1/2 the gallery-sitting hours during your show (not including your own opening). In addition, must sit a minimum of 14 hours during community shows or other members’ openings. This means you need to sit approximately 3 extra full-day shifts per year.

NOTE–These numbers are calculated based on all member slots being filled. If we have any openings for new members, current members will have to fill the gap by sitting more hours.

Meetings: Must attend at least 9 meetings per year.

Jobs: Must hold at least one gallery job or play a major role on a committee, such as PR, community shows, building maintenance,  graphics, web management, etc.

Associate Membership: $50/month

  • One solo show per year in one quarter of the gallery space.
  • Opportunity to participate in group shows.

Gallery Sitting Requirements: Must cover 1/4 the gallery-sitting hours during your show (not including your own opening). In addition, must sit a minimum of 7 hours during community shows or other members’ openings. This means you need to sit approximately  3 extra half-day shifts per year.

NOTE–These numbers are calculated based on all member slots being filled. If we have any openings for new members, current members will have to fill the gap by sitting more hours.

Meetings: Must attend at least 6 meetings per year.

Jobs: Must hold at least one gallery job or serve on a committee such as PR, community shows, building maintenance,  graphics, web management, etc.

Other info:

  • Upon acceptance members must pay 2 months dues
  • Must pay refundable $25 key deposit
  • Must pay dues on time at the beginning of each month
  • Meetings are held the last Sunday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

For information on our Satellite memberships. Please click here.

How to Apply:

  1. Send questions regarding membership to Katie Hoffman,  the New Member Coordinator.
  1. Applicants are encouraged to visit our website and check out the current member artists and recent shows at
  1. We encourage you to show a body of work and evolution of your concept or process in the past couple years.
  1. All finalists will be invited to present their work in-person (sometimes via Zoom) before the EDGE artist membership. Applicants are given 5 minutes to present images and/or actual work to the membership.
  1. If accepted, artists will be notified within one week of interview. A new member orientation will be provided for new artists.


A Contemporary Art Gallery