numen – Nolan Tredway
These works look at the way we transform the world through purely subjective means, and how our perception and emanation create these realities. Though not everyone can be hypnotized, everyone who is begins by closing their eyes. When they open them, the change has occurred within. In a conscious hypnagogia there exists infinite possibilities, new frontiers, and the core of the very things that make us human.
Voice Filled with Listening – Liz Lautrup
Perhaps for some of us, finding a voice is a bit difficult in a loud world. Listening is a place to find a voice… listening to the subtle charms of natures, to a dog’s exhale, to the leaves skating jumpily on the Fall pavement. This current series of paintings spring forth from a desire to have a voice that is visual, but is in a deeper way, inspired by listening… listening to the subtleties of the soul and grasping some of its knowing.
Edge Experiments – Edge Members
Edge members take on the challenges of new materials, techniques and processes.