February 4 – 28, 2016 – On EDGE Juried Show

Opening Reception & Presentation of “Juror’s Choice Award”: Friday, February 5, 6-10 pm
Edge Gallery is proud to host our annual exhibition of contemporary work by Colorado artists, juried by Dean Sobel, Director of the Clyfford Still museum. “On Edge” is an exploration of contemporary themes and experimentations in art, as defined by the guest juror.

This year’s selection features works from these outstanding artists: Amanda Adkisson, Vince Alfonso, Adam Ambro, Denise Bearden, Susan Blake, Shelley Bogaert, Amelia Caruso, Cody Christian, Jodie Cooper, Shana Cordon, Loggie Crumley, Deborah Davis, Robert Duddy, Gregory Ellis, Paul Elsberg, Adelina Gonzales, Leslie Hansel, Maddie Hanson, Melinda Laz, Paige Madden, David Meiklejohn, Zachary Miller, Nicolas Ng, Josh Palmeri, Johnny Plastini, Rachel Prago, Dannon Schroeder, Catherine Scott, Brandon Sexton, Noah Starer and Susan Wasinger.

January 7 – 31, 2016: Nolan Tredway, Liz Lautrup & Edge Members

one block_nolan tredway

numen – Nolan Tredway
These works look at the way we transform the world through purely subjective means, and how our perception and emanation create these realities. Though not everyone can be hypnotized, everyone who is begins by closing their eyes. When they open them, the change has occurred within. In a conscious hypnagogia there exists infinite possibilities, new frontiers, and the core of the very things that make us human.

Sky of Rumi

Voice Filled with Listening – Liz Lautrup
Perhaps for some of us, finding a voice is a bit difficult in a loud world. Listening is a place to find a voice… listening to the subtle charms of natures, to a dog’s exhale, to the leaves skating jumpily on the Fall pavement. This current series of paintings spring forth from a desire to have a voice that is visual, but is in a deeper way, inspired by listening… listening to the subtleties of the soul and grasping some of its knowing.


Edge Experiments – Edge Members
Edge members take on the challenges of new materials, techniques and processes.

November 20 – December 6: Joan MacDonald & Hee-Hun Cho

Opening Reception:  6-10 pm


Artistically Modified – Joan MacDonald
New paintings and drawings by Joan MacDonald.
As an artist I sometimes feel the need to visually address current socio-political issues. This is one of those times.


Kinetic Flow – Hee-Hun Cho
I am heavily influenced by lines and forms in my surrounding environments such as how tree branches create various lines and negative spaces. Through the physical manipulation of steel, I want to create visually dynamic objects. Movement in the Steel forms and stasis together they become one.

OCTOBER 30 – NOVEMBER 15 Susan Hazaleus, Rachael Amos & Susan Smolinski

Opening Reception: 5-10 pm


Machine Dreams – Susan Hazaleus
Nature abstracted into aluminum, wood, paper and cloth reactive kinetic sculptures.


Nature Noticed and Also Ignored – Rachael Amos
I had declared to myself that Nature would be my topic, especially thoughts and images brought to mind by reading “The Forest Unseen,” by David George Haskell. But I found that I wouldn’t keep to my declaration, and that I ignored or subverted Nature as often as I focused on it.

The drawings for the most part began as improvisations; some are quite extensively developed further; others left pretty much as they occurred to me in the first moments.


Lucretia – Susan Smolinski
These paintings explore themes of mortality, sexual exploitation, and gender in ways that present both beauty and horror.

A Contemporary Art Gallery