Phil Rader

Candace Shepard

Opening Reception: Friday, April 12th, 2019. 6PM – 10PM.  Through April 28th, 2019

Time Zone May 3- 19 Call for Artwork. Click Here for details!

Phil Rader

Rader’s exhibiton invites the viewer to take a closer look to see how the placement and movement of color creates the different elements and forms that make a unified composition.

Candace Shepard     PLEAS

new work on recycled surfaces

Please scroll down to see our past exhibitions.

Edge has openings for Full Members. Get serious and committed about your art career. One solo show in half the gallery per year  in addition to several opportunities to participate in member group shows each year.  Join a great community of artists and prestigious, long standing artist -run gallery! Interview now.   Please click here for more information.

See Edge’s Fence Art Installation on the 40 West ArtLine. Click Here

40 West Arts District Member